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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 山西省 太原 杏花岭区 杏花岭街道 太原市府西街9号A座23层
  • 姓名: 陈俊帅
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



    公司秉承 “以人为本、科学管理、不断创新、持续改进”的质量管理方针,凭借着完善的管理体系,先后通过ISO9001质量认证体系,中国物流与采购联合会综合服务型4A级认证,取得中国船级社认证。
    Tongyuan International (HK) Co., Limited
        Tongyuan International (HK) Co., Limited --or Tongyuan Hongkong, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Shanxi Tongyuan Industry Group Co., Limited, which is mainly responsible for export business in Tongyuan Group. Our company was founded in 1999 in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, which has developed into a comprehensive enterprise of steel processing services, sales, reinforcement material manufacturing, logistics and distribution, e-commerce and investment management.
    As a professional steel supplier, Tongyuan Group is the first-level agent and long-term strategic partner of TISCO, Shougang Group, Jinan steel, Baosteel and other large domestic steel. We set up steel service center and branches in Shanghai, Wuxi, Xuzhou, Ji'nan, Qingdao, Taiyuan and other places; having stock and advanced processing equipment; established the reinforcement material manufacturing base in Xinxiang. Tongyuan Group is the suppliers of high-strength steel, color coating, aluminum, copper, silicon steel, stainless steel, especially the TISCO stainless steel and silicon steel, which can be export at any time to meet customer requirement benefited from our stock in Taiyuan. As a professional processing enterprise, Tongyuan Group has invested and set up international advanced-level steel processing center, which has annual production capacity of 1.4 million tons in Ji'nan, Qingdao and Xuzhou. We also set up offices and branches in the United States, Germany, Vietnam, Hongkong and other places.
    Over the past years, the company adheres to the focus on the customer, meet customer requirement and advocate to provide value-added services for customers. We mainly serves the petrochemical industry, electronic equipment, engineering machinery, automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding and other industries, and our business network covers the Shandong Peninsula, the Central Plains region and the Yangtze River Delta region. At the same time, we conduct import and export business in Japan, Egypt, Vietnam, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Czech, Slovakia, India, United Arab Emirates in Taiwan and other countries and regions, and has been rated advanced enterprise in export by the Shanxi Provincial Department of Commerce for five years. We initiated and founded the first domestic steel investment fund project, and maintained high growth development momentum for many years, and invested and created the Bohai Commodity Exchange(BOCE), and set up a first-level comprehensive authorized service agency in Shanghai, Wuxi, Ji'nan and Taiyuan.    
    The company adheres to the quality management policy of relying the people, scientific management, continuous innovation and continuous improvement. We won the IS09001 quality certificate, 4A-level logistics certificate and China Classification Society Certificate. 
    In the future, the company will continue to strive to create a comprehensive modern enterprise with learning, service and international concept and serve as the leading iron and steel service of raw material supply, production, sales, processing, learning, logistics and distribution. 

    主要市场 山东半岛、中原地区、和长江三角洲地区;同时,与日本、埃及、越南、俄罗斯、德国、比利时、意大利、奥地利、捷克、斯洛伐克、印度、阿联酋、中国台湾
    经营范围 公司主要经营汽车用钢,不锈钢,电子用钢,硅钢, 自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口,加固材料和包装材料的生产销售。钢材加工配送及销售。批发零售机械设备,电子产品,汽车,五金交电,化工产品,生铁,金属材料,建筑材料,铁矿粉,铁矿石,铝矾土,冶金炉料,技术信息咨询。


    企业经济性质: 私营企业 法人代表或负责人: 郭宝荣
    企业类型: 生产加工 公司注册地: 山西太原
    注册资金: 人民币 1 亿元以上 成立时间: 1999年
    员工人数: 101 - 500 人 月产量:
    年营业额: 人民币 50 - 100 万元 年出口额: 人民币 50 - 100 万元
    管理体系认证: 主要经营地点: 青岛 济南 徐州 无锡 太原
    主要客户: 日本、埃及、越南、俄罗斯、德国 厂房面积:
    是否提供OEM代加工: 开户银行:
    主要市场: 山东半岛、中原地区、和长江三角洲地区;同时,与日本、埃及、越南、俄罗斯、德国、比利时、意大利、奥地利、捷克、斯洛伐克、印度、阿联酋、中国台湾
    主营产品或服务: 自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口,加固材料和包装材料的生产销售。钢材加工配送及销售。批发零售机械设备,电子产品,汽车,五金交电,化工产品,生铁,金属材料,建筑材料,铁矿粉,铁矿石,铝矾土,冶金炉料,技术信息咨询。